While the spread of coronavirus is a threat to all Americans, it is an especially dire one for those with compromised immune systems. Cancer patients are especially susceptible to the worst of the virus because the chemotherapy and other treatments they are undergoing weaken their immune systems. Alex Trebek, who has now been battling stage four pancreatic cancer for a year, is among them. For that reason, producers at Jeopardy have decided to tape the game show without a studio audience. According to TMZ, they fear that bringing in large crowds of people to the studio could expose Alex to the coronavirus, as well as other dangerous germs.
There are other reasons as well, ones that also caused Wheel of Fortune to decide to shoot without an audience. Many audience members at the game shows are older, and older folks are the ones who have the most difficulty beating coronavirus. Additionally, many of them are not from the Los Angeles area, where the shows tape, which means they've recently travelled and the likelihood that they've been exposed to the virus is higher.
As coronavirus continues to spread, many events have been altered, postponed or cancelled.
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