Woman Shows Off Engagement Ring But No One Can Get Past Her Nails

Soon after getting engaged, most brides-to-be like to show off their brand new ring. Many snap a pic of their hand and post it to their socials, then wait as the supportive comments stream in. One woman, however, shared a pic of her new bling, but her nails were so distracting that the photo eventually made it's way to the Facebook group "That's It, I'm Ring Shaming" with the caption, "Should also be in a nail shaming group."

It's because the woman's nails were very long, filed to a point and dark blue, plus one had a marble effect going on it. The caption also notes, "They are glue on sets that she buys and uses super glue herself."

Comments included, "Oh Lord, she should put her hands in her pocket and then keep them there forever," and "Is she a cartoon witch?"

But not everyone hated the look. Another person chimed in, "I like the nail color and the marble effect."

No word on if she'll keep the nails how they are for her wedding day.

Photo: Facebook/ThatsItImRingShaming

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