CNN just published an article about the strike HERE.
I grew up in West Virginia and a lot of the people I went to school with are now teachers. We're all friends on Facebook now, and I've seen tons of posts about them being on strike, from the teachers themselves to parents and the media back home. I have seen the struggles they've posted, how difficult it is for the teachers, the families, and the parents who are being affected. It's getting national attention, and even some celebrities are getting involved.
Well, today I saw that a group of educators in California, led by a woman named Lita Blanc, started a GoFundMe to feed all the teachers who are protesting at the state capital for three days. In just 24 hours, the fund raised more than $9,600 by 10am, just shy of the $10,000 goal according to WSAZ, a local TV station. Blanc says the $10,000 will cover 3 days worth of food for the 3,000 teachers and staff who are on strike.
This is awesome. I applaud that other states are taking notice of the wrong-doing going on in my home state and supporting them. A state, which by a lot of measures, doesn't get a ton of national support. I support our teachers, and without them, I wouldn't be where I am in my career or life. I still remember two teachers who had a huge influence on me, Mrs. Casto and Mrs. Morse, and without them, my life might not have ended up where it has. I get to do something that I absolutely love because of the support and education I received from them, and many others, in the state, and they deserve my support now.
And if you're wondering why the strike is still going, it's because WV decided to go back on it's word and not give the teachers, who are already the 48th least paid educators by state, the 5% raise it had promised. WV teachers are also fighting for better benefits, known as PEIA.
WV, get your act together. Our teachers and state employees deserve more. And besides that, you shouldn't go back on what you had agreed to. It's not a good look and I'm sure my friends and family who still currently live in WV will remember come election time. You're not invincible just because you're in office.
If you're unfamiliar with what is causing the strike, check out an article from the NY Times or this one from the Huffington Post. You can show your support HERE.