A Tribute To Some Of My Favorite Women For International Women's Day

March 8th is the day we celebrate women all over the world. 

It's International Women's Day and to celebrate, I wanted to let you know about some of women who have made an impact on me. 

I could list a ton of celebrities and women through history who I've admired, but instead, I want to tell you about some you may not know. 

This picture shows 4 generations in it, and two of the best women I know. My mom and my grandma.  My mom is one of the greatest women you'll ever meet.  She's always done everything she can for me and has done more than I could ever express since I found out I was pregnant and since he was born.  She's the glue that holds our entire family together and she taught me that I am a woman, which means I can do anything I set my mind to and do it in heels.

 My grandma, or Mawma, as I call her, is one of the sweetest women you'll come across.  She has a super soft voice and I've never seen a child who didn't immediately take to her.  Plus, she makes the best biscuits and gravy you'll ever eat. 

I don't have a picture that I can get to right now of my other grandma, Mawma Blake, but she loved me more than I could ever imagine.  I don't have a bad memory of her and never remember her ever even raising her voice to me.  I would walk in her house and go right to a shelf in the kitchen, take this small cast iron stove off of it, and play with it at the kitchen table.  I was her doll baby (no, really, that's what she called me.)   

The next lady is my stepmom, Sandy.  She's been in my life since I was 4 years old.  She's very kind, loves animals (she's a dog groomer) and is extremely generous.  I think every week from the time I found out I was pregnant, an Amazon box showed up at my door. I'm very grateful to have her in my life. 

The next woman is my mother-in-law, Jean.  She took to me open arms into her family and never looked back.  She has always treated me like a member of the family, and I've called her at midnight and she's never acted like she minds (at least not to my face).  She loves me and has always been there to listen when I needed her. 

There's 4 women in this photo that have changed my life.  Well, 3 women and a girl.  This was from my wedding day and the women in this picture have all been in my life for over 15 years.  Shandalia has her back to us, Laura is behind me, and Keely is standing beside me.  These women are more than friends, they're my family.  They have all shaped who I am and who I've become, and each of them have qualities that I aspire to.  I look up to all of them, and I'm honored to call them my friends.  And if any of them ever get really mad, I'm in trouble because they know all my secrets. 

The little girl on my lap is Justin's daughter, Aubrey.  She is the person who made me a mom for the first time and half of my heart will always belong to her. 

This is my girlfriend Crystal.  She's one of the strongest women that I know.  She's brutally honest, kind, generous, and her Pinterest mom skills would put about anyone's to shame.  She's been my partner-in-crime for years now, and I'm a stronger woman because of her. 

All of these women have helped shape me into the woman I am, and I couldn't appreciate them more.  There are a ton more, but we'd be here all day haha.  Take the time today, and every day, to celebrate the amazing women in your life! 

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