Chapel Hill Named Best City For College Basketball

If you live in the Triangle, you already know that college basketball reins supreme and that the color blue you wear could make or break the family gathering.  Now, the rest of the country knows it, too.

March Madness starts next week, and WalletHub released their list of the best and worst cities for college basketball.  Chapel Hill came in first place! 

To get the list, WalletHub crunched the numbers on more than 280 cities using nine different metrics. They range from the number of teams per city and the winning percentage of each to stadium capacity and social-media engagement. (By the way, Chapel Hill came in #1 for most engaged fans, too!)

Here's the Top 10 of the Best and the Worst:

Best Cities For College Hoops                                                    Worst Cities For College Hoops

1) Chapel Hill, NC                                                                       280) Fairfax, VA

2) Lawrence, KS                                                                          281) Jonesboro, AR

3) Los Angeles, CA                                                                     282) Lynchburg, VA

4) Durham, NC                                                                           283) Colorado Springs, CO

5) Lexington, KY                                                                         284) Hackensack, NJ

6) Philadelphia, PA                                                                     285) Riverside, CA

7) Storrs, CT                                                                               286) Pocatello, ID

8) Bloomington, IN                                                                    287) Clinton, SC

9) East Lansing, MI                                                                    288) Daytona Beach, FL

10) College Park, MD                                                                289) New Britain, CT

Other fun facts:

  • The Villanova Wildcats have the highest current winning percentage among college basketball teams, 89.35%, which is 5.3 times higher than the Central Connecticut Blue Devils, the team with the lowest at 16.87%.
  • Hamilton, New York, has the least expensive season tickets, starting at $45, 24.4 times less than a season of hoops in Lexington, Kentucky ($1,100).
  • Thanks to John Wooden and UCLA, Los Angeles is home to the country’s most national championship banners (11), while Philadelphia has the most regular season titles (105).

Check out all the rankings and how exactly Chapel Hill came in first place HERE.

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